NE Bemidji, MN

Current Weather Conditions

22/12/24 06:56:00

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 20.4°F
Wind Chill 20.4°F
Heat Index 20.4°F
Dewpoint 20.4°F
Humidity 100%
Barometer 29.967 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0.045 inHg
Wind 0 mph from N/A (N/A)
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Inside Temperature 66.7°F


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
20.4°F at 06:56:00
16.8°F at 00:00:01
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
20.4°F at 06:56:00
7.0°F at 03:26:44
High Humidity
Low Humidity
100% at 04:56:36
91% at 00:01:13
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
20.4°F at 06:56:00
14.7°F at 00:02:07
High Barometer
Low Barometer
30.082 inHg at 00:08:00
29.967 inHg at 06:56:00
Today's Rain 0.00 in
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr at 00:00:01
High Wind 10 mph from 131° at 04:34:07
Average Wind 1 mph
RMS Wind 2 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
1 mph
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
68.7°F at 00:06:00
65.7°F at 05:58:57


About this weather station:
Latitude: 47° 30.19' N
Longitude: 094° 45.60' W
Altitude: 1365 feet

This station uses a Ultimeter 2000, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

RSS feed

Mobile formatted

Smartphone formatted

Weewx uptime: 27 days, 18 hours, 38 minutes
Server uptime: 27 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes
weewx v3.9.2

Today's Almanac
Sunrise: 08:04:01
Sunset: 16:30:33
Moon Phase: Last quarter
(59% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector